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Government Now Introduce KTP-el to Replace E-KTP

On 26 November 2013, the House of Representatives (“House”) passed a Bill (“Bill”) to amend Law No. 23 of 2006 on Resident Administration (“Law 23/2006”). The Bill amends several provisions that relate to: 1. Electronic Identity Cards; 2. Registration of births; 3. Registration of Paternity Acknowledgement Letters; and 4. Protection of personal information. The Bill is relevant to all Indonesian residents, both Indonesian and foreign, and public servants who work at the Civil Registration Office as well as related government institutions. The Bill introduces a not so new type of identity card called the Electronic Identity Card (“KTP-el”). It should be noted that the electronic identification card which were previously introduced by the Government in early 2012 and known by the acronym “E-KTP” have been changed to the KTP-el. A new development is that KTP-el cards are implanted with an electronic chip that stores the holder’s personal identification record. Every individual who fall under one of the following categories must obtain a KTP-el: a. Indonesian citizen 17 years of age or older; b. Indonesian citizens who are or have been married; or c. Foreign citizens who hold a permanent residence permit (izin tinggal tetap) over the age of 17. KTP-el for Indonesian citizens do not have an expiry date, however, the validity of KTP- el held by foreigners will match the expiry date of their permanent residence permit. Please contact us to find out more about the above regulation.

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